Between great car chases, huge explosions, and nicely choreographed fights, it's a feast for the eyes. What's better than no CGI is how all the action is done incredibly well.
#12 rounds free online movie#
CGI has been overused way too much as of late, so to see an action movie with good ol' fashioned stunts and explosions is great.
One of the major compliments I feel I have to give to the filmmakers comes in that no noticeable CGI was used anywhere in the movie. Well, at least they ripped off the cream of the action genre crop I guess. Why is this odd? Well, it is obvious right from the start that 12 Rounds is a blatant rip-off of Speed right down to some scenes being near carbon-copies. The thing I don't understand though is the fact that in the trailer for 12 Rounds, it is said to be directed by the same director who did Die Hard 2, and produced by the Speed producer. It's an unlikely scenario to be sure, but hey, this is an action flick, so it's just preposterous enough to make for an interesting plot. Now the only way to get her back is to complete 12 rounds of a "game" that Miles created to finally get revenge on the cop that ruined his life. Is it the movie action fans have been yearning for? Danny Fisher, played by WWE superstar John Cena, is a New Orleans detective faced with a problem: an old terrorist named Miles he arrested a year back has broken out of jail and has taken Fisher's girl. Thus we come to a film that really garnered next to no hype and slipped quietly into theaters, 12 Rounds. Sure, there has been a few entries in classic action series like Rambo and Indiana Jones hat met with varied success, but not much in the line of fresh new flicks has been produced (Except the awesome Crank). In recent years, there really hasn't been many truly great action flicks to warrant fans of the genre to go to the theaters.